Sabbatical Diaries: Kate Huggins week four, the return

7 Oct 2022

Photo of Kate Huggins and her partner after the brighter futures marathon with medals.

Kate’s sabbatical diaries:

The final week before work beckons and we returned home to autumnal weather. Some of the week was inevitably spent getting everyone ready for the return to school and my eldest daughter starting high school. A few dramas around starchy school shirts, new shoes suddenly less comfortable than when they were bought at Clarks a matter of days earlier(!) and learning how to tie her tie. Everyone was eventually packed off with smiles on their faces (and perhaps a little tear from me that Lottie didn’t want me to even walk her to the bus stop).

We also squeezed in a brilliant trip back to our old home for a few days in Carshalton (south London) staying with various friends. A slightly chaotic three days of children staying in various different spots with their old besties. We threw in a few more dog walks, a bit of gardening and the occasional glance at the number of emails that had stacked up in the inbox.

The week culminated with an exhausting 10km trail run up our local hill (totally regretted signing up for that) and a slightly mad moment where we agreed to take in a pair of kittens. Thus the family commune grows and my husband rolls his eyes. Its been a brilliant summer off and a great time to take the break. I’m grateful to Leathwaite for offering such a brilliant benefit to its people and am bouncing back to work feeling like I really did switch off – big thank you to the team for enabling me to do this……now to work my way through those emails.

Photo of Kate Huggins and her partner after the brighter futures marathon with medals.

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