Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024
This statement is made on behalf of Leathwaite Human Capital Limited (the “Company”), headquartered in London, pursuant to of the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking.
Introduction to Leathwaite
Leathwaite operates in the executive search field to provide permanent and interim senior staff for a global client base, on a B2B basis. The Company has employees worldwide, operating in 6 locations globally, to help clients onboard senior leaders that will suit their organisation’s business needs.
Our Commitment to Compliance
We are committed to complying with our legal and regulatory responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will put strict measures in place to ensure that modern slavery is not part of any of our business operations. This includes our supply chains, goods and services.
We work closely with our suppliers, clients and employees to maintain the highest level of compliance. We recognise that the actions of our business partners can affect our reputation and the level of trust that we earn from our clients. We hold our business, and associated stakeholders, to the highest possible ethical standards and do not tolerate any form of human rights abuse.
Our Supply Chain
As an executive search and leadership talent advisory firm, our supply chain consists mainly of professional services suppliers. We engage a relatively small number of suppliers to provide services to our office such as cleaning and security, as well as products such as laptops and marketing materials.
All suppliers are required to commit to key minimum standards relating to employment and workers. We will monitor our relationships and agreements with suppliers in order to eliminate modern slavery across associated supply chains. Whilst we operate in a sector that is relatively low risk for modern slavery and human trafficking, we continue to carry out due diligence on our suppliers.
Organisational policies
Leathwaite has introduced the following policies and principles to ensure we are applying satisfactory ethical standards to our work; Code of Business Conduct and Ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility; Grievance Procedure; Equal Opportunity Policy, Diversity Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.
We are determined to ensure that, through the aforementioned policies, our interactions with clients, suppliers and other business partners, are in accordance with the legislation in the jurisdiction in which we operate.
Signed by
David Tomlinson, HR Director
Leathwaite Human Capital Limited
13 November 2024