Our first holiday abroad in over 4 years and of course we embarked on the familiarity of early starts! Awake at 3.30am, the excitement of arriving at Bristol airport at 5am to join the masses shuffling through security. A dash to the gate and we were on the plane and taking off to a beach resort in Mallorca.

Sabbatical Diaries: Kate Huggins week three in Mallorca (or is it Majorca?)

Kate’s sabbatical diaries:
I’d love to share reports of cultural exploration but we have three young children and it’s very hot! We found ourselves on the south side of the island near Porto Petro in a lovely family resort with six swimming pools and loads of activities. We strayed a little onto neighbouring beaches and some walks in the Parc natural de Mondragó, but mostly have spent our days swimming, playing, eating and more swimming. I was pleased (relieved) to make it to morning beach yoga…although admittedly only once!

We had a great week with some really special family time. Our youngest cracked independent swimming, the older girls nailed their diving and we all enjoyed snorkelling and kayaking as well as plenty of obligatory card games. There was real sunshine, a pretty coastline and warm evenings. A real treat and lots of fun. Home a week later, a little tanned and a braid in my hair. Just what the doctor ordered.

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